Saturday, July 23, 2011

Being an Example and the Blaming of Others

I'm standing outside and I'm waiting for a fireworks show to begin.  There is a huge crowd of people, so much so that its hard to move around much.  I have two children with me.  And as children they are antsy and impatient.  One starts grabbing my arms and flailing them around.  He's having fun.  He is taking up time till the wonderful fireworks extravaganza begins.  However, not even 10 seconds in to his fun with my arms (like I'm Jungle Paul) he whacks this little boy in the head with my arms.  The little boy starts to cry.  I freak out, I say "Hey lil buddy, are you okay?!"  But the child runs to his father who is only a few feet away and holds on to his leg.  Instantly I go to apologize to the father for my actions.  The cold war situation of whats going to happen between the two adults- as everyone watches and sees this child crying- has been quickly put to a stop.  The father of the child consoles his son, and I talk to the young child I was playing with about watching what he is doing when he is playing.  But what if I told the child's father "That kid was holding my hand he did it"  or said "Wasn't my fault dude.  Blame the kid, he was swinging my arms around."  That could have been the missile that launched and started instant chaos between to adequate warriors.  The kids father didn't look like no punk.  He could have handed down retribution without hesitation, and rightly so.  Thanks be to God for the humility of the man, actions I was guided to take, and the diffusion of the situation.

I tell this story because in reality this is a story in which we all are engaged in everyday.  This is the decision to stand up for the actions that we take or to blame others.  When I say blame i do include that the situation may truly warrant the fault of another.  Maybe you were ignorant (didn't know) of the situation, maybe you had the best intentions of helping in a matter, or maybe like me you were legitimately controlled by another human being.  However, we are still responsible for our actions.  In the example of the boy controlling my arms and hitting the kid, who gave him control?  You say "You don't know my situation."  Well what about an extreme.  When the Nazi soldiers went about the business of killing Jews,  do you believe that is what they "wanted" to do?  I do not (though some did actually hate them).  They were just soldiers following orders.  Does that cut it for you if your brother, sister, mother, father, grandparent, or daughter was killed.  I think not.  Each man has a choice in the decisions carried out in life.  These decisions affect not only ourselves but the people around us.  Do we take this to heart? 

 Let us now think on the other half of the spectrum.  Do we tell others what to do, how to live, or even how to believe?  Do you not think the condemnation of our wrong teaching will fall on the student or disciple? Each man stands condemned upon his own deeds, not the deeds of others.  If so by my teaching a man follows the wrong path is that his deeds? He or she is the one living that life.  He is the one continuing in sin or living a more open sin because I said it was "okay".  Of course I will receive heavier judgment because of what I told this follower to do, but that is because of the teaching, not the action.  That is why there is a superlative used.  Heavier not heavy, because of the sin having a condemnation its own- heavy, and the teaching of that sin another, and greater condemnation-heavier.  Are we sending the right message?  Are we teaching the right thing?  Even further, are we living the "Christian" life.  Because living a life is teaching in its self.  How does an apprentice learn his trade?  From watching the master.  In this same manner our lives should be worthy of teaching others how to live.  Because we ARE TEACHING.

I read a story in 2 Samuel 1 about a man, an Amalekite. This man ran back to the camp of David (the heir to the throne).  David asked what had happened at a battle that had taken place in Israel.  The Amalekite told of the death of Saul and his sons.  He preceded  to say it says by chance he came by Saul, the king of the Israelites.  Saul was leaning on his spear (this is to say close to death because he attempted to commit suicide and failed).  Saul told the Amalekite man to kill him.  The Amalekite man not wanting to see Saul in pain killed him.  However when David heard this he had a soldier kill the Amalekite. David said "Your blood is on your head, for your mouth has testified against you, saying, 'I have killed the LORD's anointed'" (1 Samuel 1:16).  You would think that it is okay to "take someone out of their misery"  especially when the person being a king requested this.  But it is never right to take human life (unless in war or justice, which are two things I have not the time to cover).  But more than that I read this as David (though he is not) being the perfect Judge GOD, and the Amalekite as being me.  If I come to God telling Him "I didn't believe in your son because people told me it was untrue" or anything in the like manner he will reply "Paul depart from me you sinner!" and I will be doomed to an everlasting hell (which is real).  Don't let this happen to you.

I want to sum this up on three main ideas.  The latter which I talked about being the most important.  If you do not know Christ find Him.  He loves and cares about who you are and the life you are in. It does not matter what you have done, because he loves you for being YOU.  Second, let us not blame things on others,  but let us take responsibility for our actions.  We all have free will even if one has to die keeping it (which is happening everyday to persecuted Christians).  And third, how are you living?  Is your life one that it would lead others to Christ?  If it is not I would examine your life.  God is King, and His return is swift.

Monday, July 11, 2011

"It is impossible for a man to be freed from the habit of sin before he hates it"

The title is a quote by Ignatius

Can I hate sin? This deserves more thought. Though the truth is there, is the action. Can one who continues to do sin hate sin.
For I do not do the good that I want to do, but I practice the evil that I do not want to do...For in my inner self I joyfully agree with God's law. But I see a different law in the parts of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and taking me prisoner into the law of sin in the parts of my body. Romans 7:19;22-23
Now I can claim to be struggling as Paul writes here to the Romans, but is this true. Do I joyfully agree with the God's law? See Paul writes this to explain the impact of the God's grace through the spirit rather than by the rigidness of the law. Paul using this example means to show that we (as humans) know that there are certain laws that govern us but we cannot follow them. This then condemns us. But see Paul tells a way out of this inability to control. First by saying this:
Therefore, no condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus, because the Spirit's law of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2
That appeals to our sense of guiltiness, because the sin we are struggling with we want forgiveness for. And God forgives. Amen! That's what Paul is saying. That is what we all want. Everyone not only wants forgiveness but needs forgiveness. That is how God mends the broken hearts and binds his people together. The brokenness of each of us through our experiences help us to understand forgiveness (or the need to give forgiveness to others because I don't know if we'll understand true forgiveness of the purest sort) and the power to help others in similar circumstances. But the second part is the more troublesome part. Sanctification. As Paul continues to explain salvation He tells us more of what this law of life we are following is about and what (if we are Christians) He is supposed to be doing.
So then, brothers, we are not obligated to the flesh to live according to the flesh, for if you live according to the flesh, you are going to die. But if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. All those led by God's Spirit are God's sons. Romans 8:12-14
Sanctification is to purify or free from sin. That is the process the Spirit is beginning when we are born in Him. In verse 13 Paul says living by the Spirit we die to our flesh or sinful desires. Dead means no longer in effect, significance, or practice as by This means that our fleshly or sinful desires are no longer of any significance or practice. I am not to care about or do what sins I want to. But prior to this Paul says anyone who does do these things will die.

Here is where my thinking comes in. How am I hating sin if I still doing it. But further more how am I living by the Spirit if I am living in the flesh. I cannot run on the same "nobodies perfect" theme forever. God will judge His people. And if I'm not hating sin am I loving God? In another part of the bible it says loving this world (and the things of it) makes me an enemy of God. How long will God sit back and allow me to slander His name. I have a job. It is to wait on Him. However this waiting is not idly sitting around twirling my thumbs (which coincidentally causes much sin to begin with).
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us...we also groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. Romans 8:18;23
So today I resolve to do my job. To bring the Kingdom to Earth. To deny self no matter the cost so that I may see Him, my God in the fullness of His glory. Robed in light. Shining like the Sun. And I will praise Him.

Yes I hate sin, because I love God.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Wait on the LORD

I remember sitting at a red light one time in the middle of town.  It had been red for what seemed like hours.  The light had been red for so long (there were no cars in the other direction) that cars just started to go past the red light.  It didn't matter what the law was.  So I decided to go too.  As soon as I go the light turns green and then another colored light shined.  Its color was blue.  I got pulled over and given a ticket.  I told the officer first "I thought the light was broke!" 
 He said "Its green now."  
Then I told the officer "Everyone else was crossing!"  
He replied, "I didn't see everyone else."

Patience is a tough thing to handle a lot of the times.  In this world we are seeking instant gratification (getting what we want when we want it).   If it is not ready now we don't want it.  It is the same way with God in our spiritual lives.  A lot of the time we want God to produce answers or get us out of trouble that instant.  We have little regard for His will in the situation.  We only want our own.  

In my quiet time I read 1 Samuel 13.  It talks about how King Saul was suppose to offer a burnt sacrifice before his battle with the Philistines but he must wait seven days until Samuel would arrive (8).  However, King Saul got impatient worrying about his officers leaving and fleeing and he offered the sacrifice early (9). In the midst of it burning Samuel appears and asks what has happened and Saul starts babbling off excuses (10-12).  Despite the excuses Samuel brings judgment upon King Saul for his disobedience to God's will (which he can because he is a prophet of God) (13).

King Saul's lack of patience for the will of God spoke by the prophet Samuel caused grievous punishment to be handed down upon him.  How many times do we destroy the glory that God had for himself in us due to the impatience we have in His plan.  King Saul's punishment was loosing the kingdom to a man after God's own heart.  Will that be our punishment.  If God has serious plans for His glory in our lives, what if He decides to take those plans somewhere else because we are not men and women after His own heart.  People with great potential in their lives with Christ are losing great opportunities because of their lack of patience and want to do His will. Whether it be in our work, studies, relationships, or activities.  When we don't wait on the LORD, God will remove His awesome plan from us and give it to someone more deserving.  Do we want that?

Starting today let us not seek instant gratification but wait for when the LORD sees fit.  Let us not live in our fears and our troubles that surround us, but in the faith that God is standing in our steed.  I charge you today to be a man or women after God's own heart.  Living everyday in His presence in His will, and in His time.  Let the Spirit of God reside in our hearts producing the fruit of patience in our lives.  Let us do the call God has called us to do!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Don't Turn From Following the LORD.

We all sin don't we.  Its a fact of life.  But sometimes we have that sin that hurts us so bad that we can't forgive ourselves.  That is a tough situation.  We've all been there.  I came across a passage today that exemplifies this.  In 1 Samuel the Israelites cry out because of the sin they committed (If you read an earlier post then you know it was because they asked for a king).  Samuel proceeds to tell them an amazing thing.
Samuel said to the people, "Do not fear.  You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart." 1 Sam 12:20
Every time I commit sin that hurts my God I am going to remember this.  Ask for repentance and then don't turn aside form following Him. Samuel gives a great command. So often we are stuck in the weight of our sin and forget about the power of God's forgiveness.  Lets not forget God forgives.  But Samuel doesn't stop there.  Often times we find ourselves getting told to do something but we don't know why.  This time Samuel lays the plans out clearly and beautifully.
You must not turn aside, for then you would go after futile things which can not profit or deliver, because they are futile.  For the LORD will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the LORD has been pleased to make a people for Himself. 1 Sam 12:21-22
First When sin is conceived if we don't repent it has puppies.  If we don't align ourselves back with the Father we race after things of no importance.  In essence sin becomes easier.  I can remember one night missing church to hang out with some friends from work.  It started out as missing church and ended up in a wasted night of drinking and partying.  I remember this night because after that I chase after drugs, alcohol, money and women for the next 3 years.  I know how turning away from God will cause one to follow foolish things. I believe Samuel gives this reason for us to understand the weight of sin.  That sin can carry if allowed to. However the second is the most amazing.

Samuel says "the LORD will not abandon His people".  If we turn from our sins, the LORD will make his presents known to us and to the world that we are His children.  I had a friend once who was atheist and his life was clearly visible to that.  (though I did not know him at the time).  I always hear of reports of how he use to be.  But now this man is a burning flame for the power and presence of GOD.  Feeling the spiritual resonance I get from being around this person lets me now how powerful God is. And seeing how powerful God is makes me glorify His name.  And thats what God wants!  He is pleased to make us His people so that others might know how great He is.  Thats what "on account of His great name" means.

Let us remember that sin has no hold on us, and that the past is the past and that God is the future.  Let us not fall to the lie that Satan tells of how we should not forgive ourselves.  A great man of God C.S. Lewis once said  "If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves otherwise its like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than him."  So I charge you to live every day serving the LORD with all your heart.  To not turn aside from His will or call when all seems in despair because the LORD will make His name great in your life but only if you let Him.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Life is full of "good" people and "bad" people.  I've known many people who use to sell illegal drugs for a living.  It was a lucrative business.  They had money going in and out of their house everyday.  Nice cars, fancy clothes, pretty girls, I mean they had everything.  We see on tv how all these high profile celebrities in these crazy shows get the big deals, new movie parts, big houses and luxurious lifestyles.  I know sometimes I wonder why does everything seem to be working out for them?  How come I can't seem to "hit the big lick"?  If we had the money we would of course use it for good, to glorify the LORD and further North American and International missions. But when we look do we stop to think what the ends to all these means are in these peoples lives?
The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way:  but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.  The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness.  Proverbs 11:4-5
I read these verses this morning and thought "they" will always get whats coming to them. We see countless people getting caught up in their own naughtiness (i like how Solomon uses that word).  The drug dealer always winds up in jail if he continues in his way.  It is an old saying that you never retire from the game you only end up in jails institutions or death.  For the drug dealer this is his fate.  Yes the money is fast but the time is not.  And the celebrity (of course not all celebrities are living evil lifestyles) where do we always see them, doing dumb stuff and getting their face plastered all over tv.  Acting a fool then getting made fun of on SNL.  Take Charlie Sheen for example.  Now I do not know what is going on in his situation but I do know most of it is stupid and his sins are on front street.  Or Lindsey Lohan and she is in a like manner.  When we wait we find that sin finds its way.  With the righteous truth is always with him or her.  In righteousness he or she walks therefore he or she is always trusted.  Trust is a hard thing to gain but easy to lose.  How much is trust worth?  When a problem comes along the upright follow the rules. This makes him or her right before God and man.  If someone is to yell or make an offence at the "good" guy or gal then the good guy or gal has his or her integrity that he or she can stand upon.  Like many people say word is bond for him or her.

I charge you today to make your word your bond.  I charge you to see the ends to the means, to remember that what is now will not always be.  Let us walk in righteousness with the integrity of our Father and eternity in front of us than in deceitfulness with pleasure all around.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dangerous Sin

Women are wonderful creatures.  God has made them as a companion with man, to bear children, and to love us with all affection.  I am very glad they are in this world.  However, as I read I find that though they are very precious beautiful creatures they are also dangerous and cunning beings.  I bring this up because I am reading Proverbs.  The first few chapters are characterized with obeying parents, listening to wisdom, not being lazy or walking with the wicked, and women.  I think we forget these early chapters.  We often go to the verses about alcohol or the path of the LORD or having a vision for the future.  But as I began reading this it reminded me of a time when I felt God was speaking to me through this scripture.  I had first started walking with the LORD and I guess that when I was reading this God was telling me I should break up with little Suzy (not in those particular words of course).  I asked many times to my pastor and others about the verse, none gave me any answers because they new ultimately it was up to me to listen to the Father.
I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.  I have perfumed my bed with myrrh aloes and cinnamon.  Come let us take our fill of love until the morning:  Let us solace ourselves with loves...With her much fair speech she caused him to yeild with the flattering of her lips she forces him.  He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;...For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.  Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. Proverbs 7:16-18;21-22;26-27
 Initially these verses are talking about a women lusting for sex and she is married.  Yet the applications can apply to those who are not married or even pornography.  Lust is a sin that all men struggle with.  It is a key sin that Satan uses to attack us with.  Many men fall victim to it who are weak but also those who are strong for she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Men don't fall because she is married (you would think they would not fall because of that)  but they fall because of her smooth words and their (not sinful in itself) sinful desires.  I write this not so much to say what to do, because I struggle with this, but I write more as a warning of the danger because it will come. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. 

 But about what to do I can say one thing with two examples.  When Joseph was tempted by his master's wife he ran Genesis 39:11-12.  And Paul says to the church in Corinth "Flee fornication." Corinthians 6:18. I know that it hurts to run (Men are strong and can handle anything) but take it from me if the Bible says run then thats what we gotta do.  So I charge you men out there (and women) that if temptation comes run so that victory may come to you with sin through the Word of God.

And finally I say if this has already happened to you then freedom is available from sin through Jesus Christ who forgives all.  He didn't just die on the cross but payed our punishment for sin. This is to say He took on God's wrath for us.  We should put this in God's hands.  "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" 1John 1:9 So I charge you not to let past sin hold you back.  Do not let past sin bring you down, but I say to confess your sin to the Father and live life anew with Him. And live life how God intended it.  In freedom.

Monday, February 7, 2011

His Mercy Endures Forever

How great it is that Gods has mercy forever.  I read this Psalm 136 and was filled with joy.  No matter what I do God's mercy will endure.  He will always forgive sin (1John 1:9) and when He forgives He remembers them no more (Psalm 103:12).
To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:5
Who remembered us in our low estate:  for his mercy endureth forever.  And who hath redeemed us from our enemies:  for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:23-24
These are three verses in that text that illustrates three important points about the mercy of God.  

1. God doesn't have to give mercy to us.  He has all power all might and all wisdom.  Would it be smart to redeem a people who so much caused Him pain? ( wisdom made the heavens...)

2. God is the only one who can forgive. "...who hath redeemed us..."  If something is redeemed that means that it is bought back.  If you buy back something that means it was whoever's buying it backs first.  Like at a pawn shop only the owner's pawn ticket can buy back the item.  That is what Christ did.  He died to cover our sins and He bought back all of mankind that believe on Him.

3.  God did this because He loves us.  "Who remembered us in our low estate..."  God loves us so much that He would do anything to take us out of the pain and struggle we put our own selves through.  He remembers us at all times, watching over us though we sometimes care not what He thinks.  It takes great love for a person to continue to look after someone after so much rejection.  That is why I love my God.  He still loves me though I ran from Him for many years. I am glad to call Him Father.

God's mercy endures forever!
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1

Thursday, February 3, 2011


We should be in a desperate longing for God.  We should constantly be crying out to Him, seeking His will in our lives, and loving Him fully.  We should have an overwhelming desire to be near the LORD and to feel His presence.
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee O LORD.  Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.  If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?  But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.  I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.  My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning:  I say, more than they that watch for the morning.  Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.  And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Psalm 130
When we read this verse we should feel desperation and need for the Father.  The writer is seeking forgiveness for sin. "Out of the depths have I cried..."  This guy is earnestly desire for God to hear him."...let thine ears be attentive..."  We need to be this desperate for God.  This is a call for repentance.  We have got to cry out to God from the depths of our sin and flesh.  We have got to ask God to hear our cries.  I believe this is part of seeking His face.  Seeking his face is to have that desire for God to speak and for His will to be revealed in our lives.

If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?  We have got to know the truth.  This guy knew the truth.  He knew he was a sinner.  Not all sins are big.  Not all people sin big.  Lecrae said in one of his songs that people always ask the question "If there is a God then where is He in all the murder and in the rape?"  but his rebuttal to this is "Why doesn't God let us feel the wrath of sin?"  What Lecrae is getting at is that sin is more than rape and killing. It is even lust, lying, and our evil thought.  Anything contrary to God is sin and we have all strayed from His perfect will.

But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.  But thanks be to God that was not the end of it.  God gives forgiveness.  There is only one able to forgive and make clean our sins and He has done it.  GOD has shown His love by sending His Son to die.  In that death the blood of Christ has covered all of our sins.

 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.  In that forgiveness of sin our love comes.  We love God because of His love for us (1John 4:10).  And through that love we wait on Him. The Hebrew word for wait is qâvâh.  This means to expect or wait eagerly.  When we wait on the Lord it is in excitement to see what God's plan carried out will be.  We can expect it to be carried out because He said it would be.  His word is sure. On the forgiveness of sins we know that He forgives so we wait for that Holiness gotten through confession (1John 1:9). However, for revival of our souls if we seek God to change our stagnant faith we can expect a consuming fire to fall upon us.

 Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.  And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.  The love of God changes people.  When we seek God in desperation to change our lives He does.  And when He changes our lives we know that He can change others.  I love how on a lot of Psalms it talks about how the country will benefit from the LORD.  Imagen every Christian on bended knee praying to seek revival in their own hearts seeking God in desperation. What would this country be (2Chronicles 7:14)?

Desperation is one who is willing to do any extravagant act regardless of consequences.  Are we willing to be desperate.  Thats in our prayer life.  Can we pray for more than five minutes?  In our bible readings, can we take scripture read and apply it to our lives everyday?  In our public life.  Can we walk the faith in which we were called to?  I challenge you to be desperate.  What could be more worth it?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Love the Law

There are many times in my life as I go through things wonder, if I am being to legalistic about certain things.  In my life I want to line all things up according to His will.  I want to follow all things in Him.  God has shown me an amazing thing by reading His word.  Psalm 119 is an amazing chapter in the bible and I believe that is why I am on this chapter now.
...I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness. Psalm 119:40
...I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart. Psalm 119:70
 ...O how I love the law...Psalm 119:97
Therefore I love thy commandments above gold Psalm 119:127
All these verses show how the person loves the law.  That is what I am to do. I am to love the law that God has given me because first He has given it and second because it is good for me.  In all the times that I have gone through God's word has held up in every area.  I must remember that God's laws have reasons behind them and those reasons are for my welfare.  Now when I think am I being to legalistic, I will think, I will delight my self in the LORD and His laws for they are good for me.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto good works.  2Timothy 3:16;17

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Striving for Perfection

How can a person be holy?  That is the question the writer of Beth from Psalm 119 asked.  Many would say "by the blood of Christ!"  They are right in some aspects, but to maintain holiness is what God has required and this is not by continuing to sin and ask for forgiveness (Rom 6:1-2).
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.  With my whole heart have I sought thee:  O let me not wander from thy commandments.  Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.  Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.  With my lips have I declared all judgments of thy mouth.  I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches.  I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.  I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.  Psalm 119:9-16
First the question is made with an immediate answer.  We have to listen to what the Word presents. Taking heed in the original Hebrew is shâmar which is to hedge about or guard.  Our writer says we must make defense against the flesh with the living Word of God. In English the definition to heed is to take careful attention to; observation or regard.  We have to not only read but study and make it important in our affairs.

Next the writer says that we not only have to study and observe the law of the LORD but we have to seek the one who authored it, the LORD God.  And we must not seek him flippantly either but diligently and thoroughly. We must seek to know His will for our lives, and not to run from it.  We must strive to live to the standards in which He has given us to live by, His commandments.  We must follow them at all cost.

But how are we to follow them?  By hiding His word in our hearts.  Knowing the word of the LORD will help to keep our minds on things that are good and of good report.  It will keep our thoughts focused on the Creator above and his will for our lives (Philippians 4:8).  However, when temptation does come scripture will be in our memory to recall as a defense against the evil one (Matthew 4:3-10).

Next is to pray for guidance.  Let us not forget whose statutes they are.  We know we can go to Him who created the statues and he will teach them to us "...O Lord: teach me thy statutes"  It says in James 1:5 that if any man would ask God for wisdom He will give it to them, and not just give them a little but a lot.

When we have prayed and asked God for the knowledge of His will in our lives, he begins to reveal the truths of His word in our lives.  We begin to manifest them in our actions and talk to others about them.  Helping to spread the Gospel of Peace helps others to know the faith we have thereby making us more accountable for the actions we take.  But the reason we tell others is because they have become real in our lives. "I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies..."  We begin to understand the purpose of the laws and begin to experience their spiritual surgery in our lives.  We start to see the manner of man in which God wants us to become in Him.

Finally but one of the most important aspects is to meditate on the things he has taught us. To meditate is to exercise the mind in thought or reflection.  We must review the word in which we read, trying to find a deep understand and a way to apply to our own lives and ways of explaining what we have read to others.

In this psalm the writer is showing the spiritual progress he has gone through.  First he wants to know how to be holy, so he seeks for God and tries to follow His word .  Then he ask for Gods help in understanding and God shows up giving him wisdom.  Then he shares this wisdom with others because he rejoices in the knowledge.  But that knowledge is not enough.  He meditates.  This is to be an example in our lives.  When I was younger God blessed me with some knowledge about his word but I became prideful and thought there was no more to learn.  Quickly I turned back to sin.  Never again however!  To be like this man who after he has gain much knowledge still meditates to know more.  He delights himself in Gods word seeking to know more and more and not turning from it.

Our life must reflect this mans if we seek to be holy.  Gods word is the means by which we gain holiness.  Through His word we learn to have hope, faith, joy, and love.  O the word of the LORD is great and makes men whom follow it holy!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Idol Worship

Idols were a major thing in the days of the bible and they still are in other countries.  In some countries there is worship of of 3,000 gods.  It's incredible.  But Americans have the same action in idol worship. Here's a verse that made me laugh when I first read it.
They made a calf in Ho'-reb, and whorshippped the molten image.  Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass..  They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt.  Psalm 106:19-21
These verses say that the people of Israel turned their glory of the LORD into something that eats grass.  The amazing power and wonder of God was reduced to a cow.  I laughed, and then I thought, we do the same thing.  We changed God's awesome wonder in our lives to things that can do nothing in themselves.  Money, which is only paper.  It has no monitary value in itself.  Or we turn God into videogames.  We put a false reality above our Creator.  For some of us it may be a person.  We put them on a pedistool thinking they will never lie cheat or steal when they are only human, NOT God.  No matter what it is if we spend more time in that than the Father it becomes an idol.

In the time that the Israels had built this idol Moses had left to retrieve God's law for the people.  He had been taking a while and either they had gotten bored or they had got tired of waiting on the LORD.  A lot of our relationship with Christ is waiting.  Many times it says wait on the LORD, or suffer (patience) in Christ (Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14, Galations 6:9)  When these times are not the most exciting or they seem to not get the results we want we must stand fast in Him and endure because God's glory is so much greater.  For those that had built the calf they did not get to see the promise land, and for us it will be the same.  We may miss out on His blessings.