Can I hate sin? This deserves more thought. Though the truth is there, is the action. Can one who continues to do sin hate sin.
For I do not do the good that I want to do, but I practice the evil that I do not want to do...For in my inner self I joyfully agree with God's law. But I see a different law in the parts of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and taking me prisoner into the law of sin in the parts of my body. Romans 7:19;22-23Now I can claim to be struggling as Paul writes here to the Romans, but is this true. Do I joyfully agree with the God's law? See Paul writes this to explain the impact of the God's grace through the spirit rather than by the rigidness of the law. Paul using this example means to show that we (as humans) know that there are certain laws that govern us but we cannot follow them. This then condemns us. But see Paul tells a way out of this inability to control. First by saying this:
Therefore, no condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus, because the Spirit's law of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2That appeals to our sense of guiltiness, because the sin we are struggling with we want forgiveness for. And God forgives. Amen! That's what Paul is saying. That is what we all want. Everyone not only wants forgiveness but needs forgiveness. That is how God mends the broken hearts and binds his people together. The brokenness of each of us through our experiences help us to understand forgiveness (or the need to give forgiveness to others because I don't know if we'll understand true forgiveness of the purest sort) and the power to help others in similar circumstances. But the second part is the more troublesome part. Sanctification. As Paul continues to explain salvation He tells us more of what this law of life we are following is about and what (if we are Christians) He is supposed to be doing.
So then, brothers, we are not obligated to the flesh to live according to the flesh, for if you live according to the flesh, you are going to die. But if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. All those led by God's Spirit are God's sons. Romans 8:12-14Sanctification is to purify or free from sin. That is the process the Spirit is beginning when we are born in Him. In verse 13 Paul says living by the Spirit we die to our flesh or sinful desires. Dead means no longer in effect, significance, or practice as by This means that our fleshly or sinful desires are no longer of any significance or practice. I am not to care about or do what sins I want to. But prior to this Paul says anyone who does do these things will die.
Here is where my thinking comes in. How am I hating sin if I still doing it. But further more how am I living by the Spirit if I am living in the flesh. I cannot run on the same "nobodies perfect" theme forever. God will judge His people. And if I'm not hating sin am I loving God? In another part of the bible it says loving this world (and the things of it) makes me an enemy of God. How long will God sit back and allow me to slander His name. I have a job. It is to wait on Him. However this waiting is not idly sitting around twirling my thumbs (which coincidentally causes much sin to begin with).
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us...we also groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. Romans 8:18;23So today I resolve to do my job. To bring the Kingdom to Earth. To deny self no matter the cost so that I may see Him, my God in the fullness of His glory. Robed in light. Shining like the Sun. And I will praise Him.
Yes I hate sin, because I love God.
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